The Portland Farmer’s Market is not to be confused with the “Saturday Market” along the Willamette riverfront. The Portland Farmers’ Market is set up on the main campus of Portland State University, smack dab in the middle of downtown, every Saturday morning from April through mid-December. In the realm of farmer’s markets this is an epic length of time and offers access to an impressive scope of seasonal and regional foods. Vendors are almost exclusively farmers and small agricultural producers from the region: the Columbia River Gorge and Hood River areas. There is a mix of organic and traditional, but all feature a luxurious spread of their earth-wares.
Come prepared to carry bags. Market veterans tote their own handled shopping baskets. You’ll find fresh artisan cheeses, rustic breads, sinfully delicious baked goods—try the pumpkin scones and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. Fresh berries include regional favorites the huckleberries and marionberries, and fresh veggies include heirloom varieties of almost everything that springs from the soil. If you want exotic meat, shop for range-raised elk and buffalo. Crave seafood? Stroll the tents for fresh Dungeness crab, mussels and regional fish varieties. Vendors tug them up fresh from the depths of ice packs. Just walk nearby and I swear you can smell the sweetness of the Pacific Ocean. As compliment to your baked bread don’t miss the homemade preserves and for your veggies and meat there are fresh and unique marinades and artisan rubs, custom-blended and artfully packaged. Brave a taste if you’re unsure.
Don’t leave without an armload of fresh-cut flowers, either. The only other place I’ve seen fresh bouquets this inexpensive and luscious was at Pike’s Place Market in Seattle. Bouquets are built from a foundation of plump dahlias, to which are added generous stalks of daisies, husky sunflowers, cosmos, even globe thistle. Smaller bunches start at $8 and go up from there. If there is a special combination of blossoms or colors you’d like it’s possible the vendor will hand-pick you a custom bouquet on-the-fly.
My favorite finds have been the sweet, red curry squash, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, extra sharp cheddar cheese, fresh raspberries, and heirloom tomatoes of any kind.
If you are parking nearby don’t forget to pay the parking kiosk – they are located in various spots along every street block -- and tape your stub to the inside of your car window. Expect to walk a few blocks to the market. If you’re a coffee-monger you’ll easily find a few coffee joints along the way, including the ubiquitous Starbucks. Alternative brewers include a nearby Coffee People and Illy if you want something different. Come to the market hungry and you’ll find a foodie midway. There are fresh breakfast burritos, natural biscuits, fresh artichoke and goat cheese tamales, and even Asian stir-fries, all fresh made while you wait.
Figure in plenty of time for grabbing a sit on a bench or beneath a tree. Besides the produce this is some of the best people-watching, dog-petting and free folk-music around.
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