Find out how much it's going to set you back a buck before you set out on a roadtrip. A number of sites propose they have the best insider info on the price of gas by geographics. Here's a quick review:
GasBuddy.com rises to the top in the Google search results for geo-local gas prices. The main site is alright if you stick to the gas price heat map (quite a functional and visual tool), the gas price map, and the gas price index. However, drill deeper by states and you end up diving down a rabbit hole not far from my definition of a link farm.
AAA's Fuel Gauge Report boasts "The most comprehensive nationwide fuel price survey available from any source." According to the site over 100,000 gas stations are polled daily to cull the data on this site which includes: Daily State Gas Price Averages by State laid out in a map format and the National Average Gas Prices laid out in table format. Very user friendly in true AAA form.
MSN Autos offers a new online Interactive Gas Center in a beta map version you can opt into test driving. This is pretty slick--enter a city and state and you'll get in return a detailed map with map points and in the left-hand margin a listing of gas prices by station/brand (ie. Citgo, Gulf, BP) mapped to those plot points. Plus a fuel cost calculator.
Mapquest Gas Prices is yet another interactive map, of course using the Mapquest functionality. Search gas prices by entering addresses in the map search fields and then get a map with plot points and current prices. Also gives you a simple national high and low. Another nifty gas calculator tool.
GasPriceWatch.com is another interactive map featuring gas prices provided by unofficial gas spotters. This site's disclaimer in the tiny print at the bottom of the page is that is will not be held accountable for false information. I like the fact that the site also provides a gasoline ticker marquee across the top of the page despite the fact that I don't think the general public cares about the the price of gasoline futures.
FuelEconomy.gov, a "joint effort" of the U.S. Energy Dept and the EPA, also gets in on the gas price act with its data tools and slew of information resources. A basic interactive map, tons of educational resources, FAQs, methodology, and gas mileage tips are all included.