Sunday, March 2, 2008

Adventure Road Map

From my own experiences a good road map is the ultimate road trip travel gear item. I haven't tried a GPS system yet and I'm not sure I will -- I have always had a fascination with paper maps. I love spreading them out (those big folding kind that never re-fold quite right) and looking at the big in between, point A to Z, imagining the different roads and highways that are possible travel routes, names of towns and major cities, where I might stop and what I'd like to see. So not sure a GPS is right for me.

I've also learned that the bookstore shelf is ripe for picking dozens of different flavors of road maps and road atlases. Here's one for the road tripping adventurer:

National Geographic's ADVENTURE EDITION Road Atlas.

Because this is National Geographic you've got to trust that this guide really does what it says: not only provides current detailed maps by state, but also emphasizes outdoor park and recreation areas and highlights the top adventure spots across the U.S. Road trip and adventure travel your way across the country.


I Am Woody said...

I am sooo glad that I am not the only one that loves to stare at maps - my husband thinks I'm crazy! But we ALWAYS have the best vacations - Thanks to all that staring!

I Am Woody said...

PS - If you are a tech nerd at all, you will like GPS. My new car has a navigation system and it provides just the right mix of maps and tech! Although, I have found that the nav system cannot be blindly trusted.